Monday, December 1, 2014

Hope was Here (Summary and Plot)

Hope was Here, by Joan Bauer, is a story about a young, 16 year old waitress named Hope who was abandoned and has been living with her Aunt Addie, her whole life because her mother, who was also a waitress didn't want to have to deal with the responsibility of having a child at the time. Hope also doesn't know her own father, she has never met him during her whole life and she often thinks about how life would be like if she had her father around with her still. Hope had been a waitress, while her aunt Addie was a waitress, so they often had worked together, right before then end of Hope's sophomore year in high school they had decided They decide to move to Mulhoney, Wisconsin to work at a diner called Welcome Stairways, owned by a man by the name of G.T. Stoop who is suffering from the cancer leukemia.

In the story Hope Was Here, the plot was a nice and easy thing to catch on to. The story starts off with her and her Aunt at the diner they worked at in New York, then the rising action starts when Hope has to leave her workplace in New York due to it being closed down. On a wooden board on a window she wrote her message "Hope was here" in small letters. She had then seen a loyal customer who had came in a lot that was a taxi drive. They then had left for Mulhoney, Wisconsin. Hope still had unresolved issues with her mom and dreams of one day meeting her father she never had known.

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